DPML Station Startup Command
Startup Command

Initiates the startup of the station as a foreground process (suitable for debuging and other development related processes). The station will register itself with an RMI registry . An application plan is retrieved and loaded. Application entries declared withing the plan are used to construct runtime application instances.

$ station server [-port <port>] [<uri>]
-portOptional override of the default RMI registry port (1099).
<uri>Overide the default plan uri.
Launching the station in server mode

In the following example we are starting the station as a forground process and supplying a specfic target deployment plan. The plan references two appliance definitions reflected by the process identifier numbers in the log (2932 is the station process, 264 is the first appliance sub-process, and 92 is the second appliance subprocess.

$ station server link:plan:dpml/metro/dpml-metro-sample

[2932 ] [INFO   ] (dpml.station): created local registry on port 1099
[2932 ] [INFO   ] (dpml.station.plan): loading station.sample
[2932 ] [INFO   ] (dpml.metro.appliance): process established in 1094 ms
[2932 ] [INFO   ] (dpml.station.plan): loading station.demo
[2932 ] [INFO   ] (dpml.metro.appliance): process established in 1078 ms
[2932 ] [INFO   ] (dpml.station.plan): commissioning plan
[264  ] [INFO   ] (station.sample.hello): commissioning hello
[264  ] [INFO   ] (station.sample.hello): pid: [264]
[264  ] [INFO   ] (station.sample.hello): message: Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rolled 
around their shores... burning with the fires of Orc.
[264  ] [INFO   ] (station.sample.hello): port: 1024
[264  ] [INFO   ] (dpml.metro.event): creation
[264  ] [INFO   ] (dpml.metro.event): incarnation
[264  ] [INFO   ] (station.sample.hello): target: artifact:jar:dpml/metro/dpml-metro-sample#2.0.0
[264  ] [INFO   ] (station.sample.hello): starting
[264  ] [INFO   ] (station.sample.hello): started
[92   ] [INFO   ] (station.demo.blade): commissioning blade
[92   ] [INFO   ] (dpml.metro.event): creation
[92   ] [INFO   ] (dpml.metro.event): incarnation
[92   ] [INFO   ] (station.demo.blade): pid: [92]
[92   ] [INFO   ] (station.demo.blade): message: I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. 
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the 
Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
[92   ] [INFO   ] (station.demo.blade): port: 42
[92   ] [INFO   ] (station.demo.blade): target: artifact:jar:dpml/metro/dpml-metro-sample#2.0.0
[92   ] [INFO   ] (station.demo.blade): starting
[2932 ] [INFO   ] (dpml.station.plan): plan commissioning complete
[92   ] [INFO   ] (station.demo.blade): started